At the end of your session – all of your images are backed up to 3 locations (the good, the silly and the closed eyes)
We will:
- Cull your images
- (cull means to remove)
- Removing ‘bad’ images – closed eyes, blurry
- Keeping – silly & fun ones – if that is what you want
- Crop your images
- (crop means to remove unwanted areas from the image)
- Colour Grade all of the selects
- (Grading means to improve the overall appearance of the image)
- Upload your images to a ‘proofing’ gallery
- (Proofing is a process that allows you to select your favourite images for editing)
- There are 3 types of proofing galleries, ALL galleries allow favourites to be selected and submitted
- Proof only – no download available
- Proof + Download – these images are for personal use only
- Download – you have purchased the full rights to all images
Once you send your favourite images back to us for editing, we will:
- Remove the crop & send the full resolution file to our retoucher
- Removing the crop allows for different crops after retouching
- In-house quality control – send back if needed
- Mistakes happen, and it’s usually something very minor like stray hairs that were missed
- Upload to our Sign-off system (called “Design Proofs”)
- You will be sent the UNCROPPED version for sign off, I can reupload the cropped version if requested
- Within this system, you can EITHER
- Sign-off on all images OR
- Request additional edits
- If you request an edit we will repeat steps 1-3
- Once you have signed off, we will upload the full resolution JPG @ 5,120px, 300dpi, 100% quality to another ‘proofing’ download gallery on their own, often in various different crops
- please ask if you’d like a different crop
- please ask if you’d like a full-resolution TIFF
- (only available for edited images and full gallery purchases)