We have 2 ways to do this:
1: Please use this option if you can easily narrow your selection down to number of edits you wish to have
- I create you a proofing gallery, with say 150 images in 7 folders
- You select your favourites from the proofing gallery
- You submit your favourites back to me
- If the number you submit matches the number you’ve paid for I’ll assume you want them edited
- If the number exceeds the number you’ve paid for I’ll contact you – as you may be using option 2 below
2: Please use this option if you have 10+ favourites and can’t narrow your selection
- I create you a proofing gallery, with say 150 images in 7 folders
- You select your favourites from the proofing gallery
- You submit your favourites back to me (you MUST email or text me so I know to create the second gallery)
- I create you a second proofing gallery just your favourites
- You select your images for editing
- You submit your favourites back to me for editing
You can also use option 2 and ask us for advice on the best ones.